Revisiting The Bridge

Journal a Better You
2 min readDec 14, 2021

Remember in the beginning I had this showing? I was going through my posts and I thought to myself, let’s revisit this one.

As I reread the post I had a realization come to mind. Like this bridge in between two lakes, we are in between two things, also. The past and the future.

We are here in the present or aka the now. I don’t know about you, but I choose to live in the now and not the past because first of all, we can’t do anything to change the past to improve our now. I choose to take baby steps in the now to create my dream future of living financially free when I reach the age of retirement.

As you look at this bridge where are you? Are you in the lake of the past, baby-stepping it in the now, or diving into the unknown future? I am taking one board at a time with baby steps here now. Looking back at the past, which would be the left side of the bridge as I look at this picture, I realize that all I have experienced has made me a more reality-based individual. I don’t do the spur of the moment things anymore as I did when I was younger. At the same time as I look to the right side of the bridge, I am not jumping ahead of myself when it comes to planning my future moments. Even a minute into this day, I can not see what will happen next. I only know what I am doing right now which is typing this out for my post and my followers here to read.

I want you to try this out. In your journal write down this sentence and repeat it out loud.

“I can only go forward one word at a time, one thought at a time, one action at a time. Right now I am reading this sentence.”

What do you think? Write it down. Play with these words and how you use them in your life. Past, present, future.

Do you think or talk about the past? When? (Hint: Now)

What about the future? When? (Hint: Now)

The present? When? (Hint: Now)

Everything we do, we talk about, we take action on is in the NOW. Or if you will the present moment.

What does this have to do with the bridge? For me, it is reminding me to stay in the middle for the ultimate life I want! I create in the now moments what I want in my future moments! The past is left behind and can no longer affect my life as I am releasing it and leaving it where it belongs.

Frances Roberta



Journal a Better You

My life and life lessons, suggestions, and guidance from a survivor of multiple traumas.